Warp Speed Race Team

Natalie and Leif's Warp Speed Race Team

This is an online group for people that want to improve their kayaking through training and participation in races or working towards specific goals to become more efficient paddlers. Why? Because it is way more fun to race and much easier to improve when you are part of a team!


Each Season will include twice per month online meetings for eight sessions to talk about training, mental mindsets and techniques. Meetings will usually involve a short presentation (<20min) followed by discussion and QandA. Think graduate seminar in kayaking crossed with a supportive team environment. We will be bringing in knowledgeable guest presenters on specific topics that are of interest and relevant to the group. There will be time for 'locker room' chat as well as focused attention towards improvement.

All team members will have access to an online team platform to interact with coaches and other team members. All meetings will be recorded and team members will have access to all past meetings as well as any supplemental material curated by the coaches and team members (examples: curated technique videos, workouts, trainings, race times, race line analyses etc).

All abilities are welcome, but the team is formed with class 4-5+ paddlers in mind and topics will apply to racing whitewater or paddling more efficiently. Team members are encouraged, but not required, to have a race in mind to prepare for, do on-river training on their home rivers/ponds (or fitness workouts) and do some background reading journaling assignments between meetings. If the team is motivated, we may also plan some team travel/appearances at races, cost split by team members.

Team members will also have access to fee-for-service individualized video review and analysis of how to best improve their times on specific runs by coaches outside of the live meetings.

Specific topics will be tailored to the group, but generally the season will bring us through a progression and help us all to plan and execute our individual kayaking goals while being supported and celebrated by our team members. Topics covered could include, but not limited to such things as: Goals setting, how to approach practicing a race course, positive mindsets, internal and external motivations, long-range training, race course practice, the importance of rest, visualization, fundamentals of power, going slow to go fast.

Dates and Times

Time: Wed Evenings 5:30-7:00pm Pacific Time (1.5hr)
Frequency: Every Other Week For 8 meetings (Note- The first two meetings are two weeks in a row)
Feb 7,14, 28
March 13, 27
April 10, 24,
May 8


We ask that you pay for the entire season and commit financially upfront before we start. The team is going to work best if we have a committed group who regularly shows up for each other. If you miss a date, you will have access to the replay. As a team member for the season you will be able to invite other guests to join you for a drop in session.

Seasonal Rate

This is a beta season. Leif and I have decided to not fix a specific cost. Please pay what you think this may be worth for you. In return for our instruction, we simply ask you to honestly look at your own financial situation and give back what you feel is appropriate given your own financial circumstances. We will use your payments to first pay ourselves for our time facilitating this (and our babysitter), honorariums for guest coaches/presenters and any software fees. Any excess will go towards a fund in which team members can apply to help cover travel and race entrance costs. You can benchmark yourself against other similar offerings and coaching costs below.


  • In a market survey of people about this offering, we got a range of $10-$50/session; $30-$100/month; $100-$600/season.
  • Creative String Academy ($40/mo) with extensive library of courses and ability to join on group practices.
  • Sports Clubs, like volleyball range from $600-6000 per season, but these teams are meeting like twice per week and go to tournaments together.
  • Daily OM is a platform that offers sliding scale of courses at $15, $30, $60 for self guided courses that don't include coach involvement. Typically these are 21 day personal challenges.
  • I pay $100/month for my kid to go to gymnastics for 50 min 1x/week. ($25/session)
Of course, whatever each person pays will be quite personal and quite variable. After all, $50 to one person can feel like a lot more money than $50 to another. You are welcome to scale up if you are living from a place of abundance or scale down if you are experiencing scarcity.  There is also a psychological aspect to pricing, if you make it more expensive for yourself (what is cheap versus expensive versus outrageous varies from person to person), you will tend to value your experience in a different way, and it could help you take it more seriously and put more effort into your own improvement.

We know this isn't the usual way of doing business in our culture, but by doing it this way, we feel like we can make this team available to everyone regardless of their finances. We will have no judgement about what you decide to give, we will not share this information, and our caliber of our services and attention will remain the same regardless of what you pay.

We trust that you are doing what feels right in your heart to you.

Sign Up

*****For Spring Season, Sign up before Feb 1st.

If you don't sign up for the Team by Feb 1st you will not be able to join later and who knows, we may or may not run this again.

Signing up is simple. You can reach out to Leif Anderson and pay him for the season (see rates above) via venmo (@famousleif) or paypal (famousleif@gmail.com) with the tag of Warp Speed Race Team. Once you pay you will be added and invited to the Race Team platform the week before we start. If you don't have venmo or paypal, then reach out to Leif and work out another way to pay.

This is an invite only group, but it isn't exclusive either. Feel free to extend the invitation to people you know that you think would be excited and who you would like to be on a team with via email or text. Please don't advertise broadly to the general public on social media platforms, keep it word of mouth.

We are seeking people that are:
  • Kayakers who want to focus on mastery of their skills.
  • Willing to but in the time and effort to improve.
  • Interested in using time trials or races as a measuring stick and motivation for improvement.
  • Wants to foster a mutually supportive environment in which we all raise each other up as a group.
This is our first season trying this out and we appreciate your participation and input in shaping this team for the future. Also, your patience as we use you as a guinea pig to create and fine tune this offering. At this moment, our plan is to offer this again for another season, but the format, cost, etc may change based the input from this group.

Coaches - Leif and Natalie Anderson (Paid)
Team Manager - Dana Cross (Volunteer)
Team Platform Manager - Kate Burke (Volunteer)


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