Chile Video(s)

It's amazing how my life just seems to go on hold whenever we come back from a trip. Since returning from Chile, I have felt like I have barely had any time to edit photos or video. However, by assigning smaller homework assignments and skipping out on my research, I finally managed to put together a little video with the footage from our Grand Prix trip to Chile.

Chile Grand Prix trip from Leif Anderson on Vimeo.
While on the final push of editing, I couldn't quite find a spot for the GoPro footage from the day where I swam on the Nevados. I wanted to sort of show the mini-story there, but there just wasn't a good place for it in the song, so I slapped together a short video of just the swim itself. Thus far, the video of the swim, which I spent about 10 seconds assembling, has been more popular than the main Chile video, which I worked on over the course of several weeks. Hopefully this says more about the paddling public than it does about my editing skills.

Rio Nevados swim from Leif Anderson on Vimeo.
And, on a completely unrelated note, here are a couple random photos that we couldn't fit into the rest of the Chile series of posts.

Here is a slideshow of the random photos:

And here are a few of my favorites:
An interesting view of Casuela Sucia.

Jordan the canoeist on the casuela.

Blair makes the #2 boof in the Palguin race.

Natalie on the Turbio.  The water dropped out during the hike in, but it was fun.

Boofing at Turbio takeout.

Our last day was a photo shoot day on the Upper Palguin, very mellow and fun.

Pucon scenery.

I leave you with this lizard.  Enjoy.


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