With Natalie out of the country doing geologic mapping for a few months, I found myself without my favorite boating partner for thanksgiving break. I really didn't feel like driving out to the northwest and paddling alone, so I started thumbing through my rolodex. Most of my B list paddling buddies have jobs, so I moved down the list to the C team. At the top of that list was Chase Nobles. I called him up a month or so ahead of time and got the trip all lined up. Pretty close to the departure date, Chase recruited a third paddler for our expedition, young Eddy Honea. I was happy to have a third person to share the gas costs and driving load. The three of us had an excellent trip, but I realized that, like most people, I'm getting old. Those kids were stoked ALL the time.
Since I was so excited about the trip, I wanted to leave at the earliest possible moment, and that was right after I finished teaching a lab at 8:00 thursday night. However, I had a busy week, and wasn't able to start packing at all until that night. Plus, we borrowed Natalie's car, and one of the conditions for its use was that we rebuild the roof racks before leaving, since they were tearing through the sheet metal of the roof.
I innovate while Eddy uses a circular saw and cellphone simultaneously. Thanksgiving 2011
After a couple pretty brilliant innovations involving an old broken boat, we packed up and had a nice timely 1:00 AM departure from Fort Collins. Just a short 24 hours later, we finished the snowy drive to Dan Rubado's house in Portland, ready to paddle. Of course, it was night time, but we waited until morning, and then headed over to Opal creek.
Now, I like to think that I had some fun back in my undergraduate days, but let me tell you: these guys were more stoked than anything I had ever seen. Lucky for us, the stoke regulations are a little more relaxed in Oregon, because in some states we probably would have been arrested.
Dan and I were catching up on old times during the hike in when the kids came literally running past us through the snow, one of them sitting in a boat while the other one towed him with his tow tether. Dan and I got a little stoked just from the fumes.
Opal creek was a pretty fun run. The levels were a little too low for the upper section, and there was a little too much snow on the banks for the sketchy portage in the lower gorge, so we only ran the easier middle section, but we still had a great time. Of particular note was the hilarious line that Dan had off of one of the rapids - Big Fluffy or something was the name.
After Opal creek, we continued to hit a series of more and more classic runs. Every day, the kids would call home and say that they had just run the best creek yet, and then the next morning we would go run something even better. All this stoke had the effect of making me feel ever older and more cantankerous. I don't know how it worked.
We progressed from Opal creek to Canyon creek, then the Green Truss, Hagen creek, to the Washougal, and then the Little White on Thanksgiving day.
On friday, we topped off the trip with a descent of Eagle creek. We had scouted it out earlier in the week, but it had been too high then. I used to think that Eagle creek was basically better and better as the water levels rose, but I was wrong. On our scouting mission, Punchbowl falls had a really strong current pushing into the undercut wall on river left below the drop, and everything was just super intense. When we came back on friday, the level was still high (3 times the recommended level according to the barometer gauge in the next drainage over) but was way more reasonable.
We hiked up to Skoonichuck; a 40 footer to 10 footer combo drop. I was excited to try out the stern mount for the GoPro, but it took me a long time to get everything ready, so I ended up last in line to run the drop. Chase went first and dropped his paddle between the waterfalls, swimming in the bottom pool. Eddy still wanted to fire it up. As he peeled out of the eddy right above the drop, he got spun out in a small hole. He managed to get it turned back around and had what looked like a great line, catching a little bit of the boof flake on the left, like I had planned to. However, he did not resurface after running the first drop. He was just totally gone - probably behind the curtain of the 40 footer. Chase and I exchanged some gestures, and I ran back up to my boat to grab my throwbag, in hopes of throwing it through the curtain. I had some pretty grim flashbacks, but I was really relieved to hear some yelling when I was on my way back to the river. I figured that yelling meant that something had changed, which had to be good news.
Sure enough, Eddy reappeared while I was gone, and swam over the 10 footer, mostly okay. His boat soon followed. Watching the video footage later, he was only gone for about 30 seconds, but that's still way too long. I was still really excited about the drop, but I decided to rein it in, just to stay on the safe side. I walked around and put in below the waterfall. Here is Chase's footage from below the falls. I found it pretty intense to watch, but knowing that Eddy was ok made it not so bad. It's easy to miss if you zone out, but Eddy comes off the first falls right around 0:27.
The inbetween rapids were a lot cleaner than I remembered from my other trip down this creek, with Dave Schmitt. When we got to punchbowl, Eddy got out, still a little rattled from his close call at Skoonichuck, leaving just Chase and I.
I had a pretty awesome line off Punchbowl, if I do say so myself. Nobody got a photo, but it was okay, since I had the stern mount GoPro getting a sick shot of it. From the huge pool below, I snapped a hella artsy photo of Chase, although his line wasn't as amazing as mine.
Yeah, sure, it's good... but mine was probably even better. Thanksgiving 2011
After some cheering and celebrating, we paddled down to the decision point for Metlako. I was feeling it big time, because I really wanted to get some GoPro footage of it. Plus I figured the landing would be even softer than usual with the high water. You might even say I was a little stoked. Chase was on the fence, because Punchbowl was one of the largest drops he had yet run, and it was about 30 feet. Metlako is over 3 times taller than that. I managed to convince him with some strong logic. Our conversation was a lot like this:
"I don't know if I want to run Metlako."
"Let's just do it."
I had a less than optimal line. I went over the bars and landed on my face. My theory is that the water level was high enough that the ramp that normally sets your angle was sort of washed out, making it more of a sharp lip. Whatever the reasons, I pancaked a little and autoejected. I got to the eddy just in time to see Chase go over the bars by exactly the same amount, for a perfect double auto-eject. (So intense... what does it mean?) Unfortunately, when I ejected, my boat went sort of behind the waterfall a little, and got savagely beaten against the rocks. I rock climbed over to a tiny cave very close to the base of the falls to recover the boat. The stern mount had worked great, flexing enough to not break anything. However, during the beating, the GoPro case had broken open, and the camera had fallen out into the river, taking with it the sick footage of my awesome line off Punchbowl. I was slightly bummed, but stoked enough that I didn't really feel it.
During my pancake landing, I cracked a blade in half on my paddle, and I made the mistake of tossing it into an eddy instead of up onto the bank. While I was rescuing my boat, the paddle slowly filled with water and sank. It was an expensive waterfall that day. Chase had tossed his paddle to avoid exactly what happened to me, and it had floated away downstream. This left us in an amusing position because we only had one breakdown paddle, but two paddlers. Our solution was to split the breakdown in half and share it. That was a really exciting way to run rapids. It worked great, and we ended up finding Chase's paddle about a mile downstream. We met up with Eddy and paddled back to the car just before dark. It was a pretty good way to finish the trip.
And Chase's paddle flew off into the sunset and had many adventures. Thanksgiving 2011
Part of the reason that I was so cantankerous was that there was nobody to take photos of me. Normally Natalie and I take photos of each other, and it works out pretty well, but I realized during this trip that that's because I trust Natalie with the camera. These kids were just so stoked out of their minds that I didn't really feel comfortable giving them the camera very often. As a result, most of the runs I was the personal media team for the kids. In fact, there were only 4 rapids through the whole trip where anyone took photos of me. In rapid succession, here they all are:
I lost the GoPro footage from Eagle creek, but I still have the footage from the rest of the trip, so I might put together a short video. Stay tuned.
In the meantime, here is a slideshow, with a couple extra photos from that I didn't include in the post:
The Axiom is a planing hull slicey-stern design from Dagger Kayaks. A lot of what I like about it could apply to any slicey boat, so I'm going to split the review into two parts: one part about slicey boats in general, and the other about what's specific to the Axiom. I should also preface this review with a note that slicey boats aren't right for every situation or every paddler. This review is basically aimed at a time-traveling version of myself from the past. I'm imagining a creekboater that hasn't really thought about getting a slicey boat. If you're a beginner or intermediate paddler, or an older paddler who has the skills but not the desire to crush hyphie lines, then there are still plenty of reasons to consider a slicey boat. I'm just not going to discuss them much here in this review. Slicey Boats A lot of advanced paddlers really enjoy paddling slicey boats. If you ask why, they always seem to reply with something along the lines of "it...
Yes, the Slave might be one of the largest rivers in the world, but this week, the flows almost doubled. On Monday, it was too low for Rollercoaster, which is a low water feature. On Tuesday, it was too high for Rollercoaster, and maybe high enough for the Sweet Spot, which is a high water feature. By Wendsday, is was too high even for the Sweet Spot. We have no idea what to paddle. We made a couple expeditions out to different spots, but mostly we've been surfing the waves out in the middle of the playground channel, which are good for once. We're all waiting eagerly for the levels to drop from "flood" to "high" so that we can hit Sweet Spot and the Forgotten. In the meantime, enjoy some random photos from the spots that we've investigated. Photo by John Blyth. Full album First we went to Rollercoaster, since we couldn't believe that it would be too high just one day after being too low. The only moves that we could do there were downriver m...
Or, for my kayaking audience: Sweet ill stuff to do while yo leg is broke. Specially if you are ballin on a budget. Brown. EDIT: I have written another article, featuring a newer stern mount, but also a short essay about my philosophy of GoPro filming. You can check it out here . Well, as you all know, I recently broke my leg, so I can't kayak for a while. During my downtime, I have been playing around with my camera equipment, and I thought I would write a post about some of the cool things that you can do to your GoPro. The GoPro HD cameras have revolutionized action cinematography, because they are so accessible and yet so high quality. I am still learning, but here are a couple of tips and modifications that I have found that help you get even more professional looking results with a minimal investment. I started this article by just writing about the time lapse tools, but then I just had to make a video showing them in action, and then it all spiraled out of cont...
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