Tsunami Surf!

This is basically a repeat of a post I put up on the fluid site, but it's got a few more bonus photos. On Monday, March 14th, just days after the 9.0 quake in Japan . Leif, our buddy Dave Schmitt, and I headed to Arcata to catch some big waves. Moonstone beach in Trinidad was definitely not behaving normally, with waves breaking much further out and the water sloshing in and out more dramatically than usual. From Tsunami Surf From Tsunami Surf the 'tide' goes out and the 'tide' comes in. All in much less than a minute. I felt like I already had a full day on Willow Creek so I didn't get in, but I watched the boys catch some great waves and conversed with a very classic Arcatan (someone who resides in Arcata- but may not have a house). The next day the waves were just as big and the surf was much more organized. I got in then and threw the four biggest pan-ams of my life (sorry no photos!). From Tsunami Surf Dave and Leif kickin it. From Ts...