Overdue Slave post: Outrageous!

That's right, it is an outrage. How long overdue is this post? A month? Two months? Outrageous, I say, outrageous!

Natalie, Dave Schmitt, Will Parham, and I just returned (a month ago) from the Slave river in the Northwest Territories. (Will left early due to labral stresses, but that's another story.) This trip was the lowest water that I have ever seen there, and is probably about the lowest that river has been paddled by playboaters. The flow was 92,000 cfs, give or take a little day to day variation. We kept hoping that rains down south would bring up the flows so that the ultra low water feature called Rockem Sockem would come in, but it was too low. We needed about 110,000 cfs for that. No love.

Despite the unbelievably low flows, we were able to find a handful of waves. My favorite was Monster Schiesser, on Rapids of the Drowned, but that wave happens to be out in the center of the river (i.e. about 1/4 to 1/2 mile from the nearest island) and favors moves facing away from the camera, so we didn't get many good photos from that spot. However, up in the Cassette rapids, the old school wave called Outrageous was a little less flat and flushy than usual, and has a great island to take photos from, so we got a ton of shots there.

Here's a slideshow of the absolute best 105 photos. It took a lot of work to trim it down from thousands, to 746, then to 105. Enjoy.

But if you don't have time for the full slideshow, here are a couple of my absolute favorites.

Party surf on Outrageous. We can fit like five people on here! Outrageous! Outrageous 2010

Natalie blunt. Outrageous 2010

Leif airscrew. Outrageous 2010

Will, before his labral issues. Outrageous 2010

Dave: Sun's out, guns out. Outrageous 2010

John nasty Mcnasty Outrageous 2010

Thanks to everyone that took photos. Sorry that I have not had the time to go through and credit all the photos. More posts on the way soon.


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