Ice Cream Scoreboard

The Ice Cream Game is basically a rolling game. A full set of rules can be found in the newest Colorado guidebook; Whitewater of the Southwest Rockies. What the rules boil down to is that the person who rolls the most times during a run buys everyone else ice cream. To help with the shame and heckling associated with losing the Ice Cream Game, we will be keeping a running score of the people we paddle with, and provide a public area for degrading comments.

A note on the scores. The "ties" are ties for last place. Sometimes the rules have to be flexed a little, in confusing situations. The "Winning %" is calculated by taking the number of wins plus half the number of ties, and dividing by the total number of runs that person has been on. Basically, a tie is half a win and half a loss.

NameWinsLossesTiesWinning %Most Recent Win/Loss
Leif Anderson133871Clear creek of the Ark
Natalie Kramer76852Clear creek of the Ark
Conor Flynn32158Big Thompson Gnar
Dave Stentiford11050 Gore Canyon
Brent Wilkins02117 Green Truss
J. Cody Howard100100 Norrish Creek, BC
Martin No-mullet200100 South fork Salmon
Nathan Werner10175 Clear creek of the Ark


May 23, 2009: Natalie loses to Nathan and Leif on multiple laps of the Clear creek of the Ark. The scores were N:2, L:0, N:0

May 21, 2009: Leif and Natalie tie 1-1 on the First Gorge of Lime creek

May 20, 2009: Leif and Natalie tie 1-1 on South Mineral creek

May 19, 2009: Leif loses to Natalie on a couple high water runs of Oh Be Joyful. The score was L:2, N:1

May 17, 2009: Leif loses to Natalie on the Black Rock section of Clear Creek. The score was L:1, N:0

May 16, 2009: Natalie, Leif, and Nathan tie 0-0-0 on multiple laps of Spencer Heights.

May 15, 2009: Natalie loses to Leif on a multi-lap expedition to the Poudre Narrows. L:1, N:2

May 11, 2009: Leif and Natalie Tie 0-0 on the Rio Embudo.

May 10, 2009: Natalie Loses to Leif on the Upper Taos Box. The scores are L:0, N:1

May 8, 2009: Leif and Natalie Tie 1-1 on Eldorado Canyon.

April 27, 2009: Natalie loses to Leif on Upper and Middle Narrows of the Poudre, during some slalom training. The score was L:0, N:1

April 25, 2009: Leif loses to Natalie on the Barrel Springs section above Shoshone on the Colorado river. The score was N:2, L:well... sort of like... half of a swim. (Leif says:"I never left the boat, but I did pull my skirt to escape a certain hole.")

January 2, 2009: Melissa loses to Martin, Leif and Natalie on the Limestone Bluffs section of the south fork Salmon. The score is M:1+S, N:0, L:0, M:0

January 1, 2009: Natalie loses to Leif, Damon, Martin, and Chris (from Willow Creek) on the Carhood section of Willow creek. The score is N:1, everyone else:0

December 31, 2008: Leif and Natalie tie on lower Willow creek. The score is slightly dubious due to a collision.

November 28, 2008: Brent loses to Natalie and Leif on the Farmlands into the Green Truss section of the White Salmon. The score is B:4, N:3, L:1 (+1 extra flip on BZ falls, which nobody else ran)

November 23, 2008: Brent ties with Natalie, losing to Leif and Cody Howard on Norrish creek in BC. The score is B:2, N:2, L:0, CH:0

October 30, 2008: Brent loses to Conor, Natalie and Leif on the Big Thompson Gnar. The score is B:4, N:1, C:0, L:0

October 12, 2008: Natalie and Leif tie 0-0 on the Big T gnar section.

October 5, 2008: Dave loses to Conor and Leif on the Poudre Narrows and upper Poudre Falls. D:1, C:0, L:0

October 4, 2008: Natalie loses to Conor, Leif and Dave on Gore Canyon. The scores are N:2, L:1, C:1, D:1

September 28, 2008: Conor loses to Leif on Gore canyon. The score is C:2 (counting a rope extraction from tunnel falls as 1 roll), L:0

September 27, 2008: Conor and Leif tie 0-0 on the South Saint Vrain Narrows, but agree that since it was too shallow to flip over even on purpose, they won't put it on the scoreboard.

September 20, 2008: Conor and Leif tie 0-0 after 2 laps on the Gnar Section of the Big Thompson.

August 26, 2008: Conor Loses to Leif and Natalie on Cheeseman Canyon. Score: C:1, L:0, N:0.

Let the smack-talking begin!


  1. Conor! You lost the ice cream game. You suck!

    Just kidding. I hope you had fun on the Slave (how could you not?).


  2. Wait...I heard the stories of Bigwood fall. Nice job launching a perfect boof and somehow landing on your head! Haha, maybe Leif is bad luck...I did it too.

    Yeah the Slave was pretty sweet! I won the ice cream game every time we played it there (oddly not posted).


  3. Look, we agreed that the Slave was Big Water, so the ICG rules shouldn't apply. Besides... what about that day at the Dread Ledge?


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