Fitz to Smith Bump and Grind Edition 2017

A few years back we did our first top to bottom Slave River Run as a duo double date with our good friends John and Gen. It was a special trip. Since then, we have tried to do a top to bottom every year. I think we missed last year, but the year before that we had a nice trip with Leif's mom and boyfriend Rob. We just finished our top to bottom for this year dubbed by John Blyth as Fitz to Smith Bump and Grind Edition 2017. Yellow Route map by John Blyth, annotations are my own. Although the trip is becoming more 'normal' for us and it is easy to become jaded or to think that there is no new story here, I realized that our adventures with our northern family and friends and our adventures as a new family of three is worth writing about. Sure, the trip no longer carries that ring of doing something new which is always a great motivator for sharing the story. However, the newness is still there in other ways, the spectacular scenery is...