Mexico photos

We just returned from an awesome trip to Mexico. Last time we were there, I broke my leg on the first day of paddling, so I tried to take it a little easier for this trip. As luck would have it, on the first day of paddling, our friend Jake, who was showing us down the Roadside section of the Alseseca, had a gnarly piton and broke his ankle. The curse was passed on. While I felt sorry for Jake, I was really happy that I could keep paddling. Me blasting through sticky hole during the race. Photo by Beth McVay. Once the trip got into full swing, we had our usual share of maladies, like some illness from drinking river water while taking swims or getting worked, and a minor knee injury that kept me off any runs requiring a hike for a week or so. The only run I knew of with no hiking was Roadside, so I spent a lot of time there, which paid off with a fifth place finish at the Alseseca Race. Natalie was the second fastest woman, which put her in the middle of the pack of g...