The Slave ate my pants

Not only did the Slave claim my pants today, but also my boat and my paddle. But loyal fans, the mighty river did not eat me and so I live to tell the tale. So, the Slave is very high right now, the highest we've seen it and I found this new epic epic epic wave with John Blyth. Fast big and furious. See below. Yet unamed. (options: intimidator, medusa, fear itself, terror, hyra, leviathan, the punisher, panty snatcher) This wave actually has eddy service, which is odd for such a large feature. If you flush it just takes about 10-20 minutes to navigate back to the wave depending on how many times you mess up the multiple ferries. To get on the wave, you just have to enter surfers right through that big aerated pile of goodness. Like this (see above). I was able to get on the wave with no problem about half of my tries with the other half starting and ending rapidly in some nose flushing. Unfortunately, on one of thos...