2009 Icebreaker - Golden Colorado

Well folks, as I mentioned in passing during my last cheerful and upbeat post ( "CSU can suck it!" ), Jeremy Allen and a couple other people got pretty fired up and managed to recruit Natalie and me to the CSU Canoe & Kayak Interdisciplinary Team. (Since that's such a mouthful, I'll just call it by the acronym; CSUCKIT.) The basic reason for forming the team was that the 2009 Spring Icebreaker, put on by the Colorado School of Mines, was going to be happening this weekend, and in order to compete for prizes, we needed a team of 5 people, with at least one of them female. As I described in an email to the kayak club, "The water is low, and even when the water is high enough, the spot's not that good. I'm mostly excited about the awesome team name." But whatever the causes, Natalie and I were hooked. For all you lazy illiterate bastards out there, I put together a slide show, so you don't have to read too many words. It's like a movie...