Spring Break California: Kayakers gone wild

This article is post-dated Being a grad student, I'm not allowed outside much, and living in Colorado, the paddling is also a little scarce in the winter, so when spring break rolled around, I was ready to take full advantage of the opportunity. Typical Colorado winter paddling After another all-nighter trying to finish my math methods homework thursday night, I was really energized to start the solo drive from Fort Collins to California. It went a little faster than usual, or at least seemed to. Upon arrival in the Sacramento area, I met up with my old friend Stoner and my new friend Martin. I say new friend because Martin sports a mullet, just like I do, and any kayaker with a mullet is my homeboy. Of course, Martin is a miniature little man, so his mullet is much smaller than mine, but still, it takes a certain kind of person to rock the mullet. Stoner and Martin Stoner, Martin and I had come to Sacramento to run Pauley creek. Well, Pauley creek was almost dry. So we roc...